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Between the Boxwood

Small Business Spotlight: April Sanders


Small Business Spotlight: April Sanders

One of the greatest privileges of running a small business is the opportunity to support other small businesses. From the time I began Hazen at the age of 9, I have encountered many people who have supported me in my work and the pursuit of my aspirations for this business. Those are the individuals who have forever influenced and shaped my life by instilling in me the courage to pursue my dreams, and oftentimes, opening the doors through which I could best pursue those dreams. 

 My hope for our Small Business Spotlight series is to open doors for other small business owners who are hustling daily to grow their businesses. I am confident that they believe their products bring life, creativity and joy to both themselves and their customers, and I hope we not only encourage them through this series but also nurture their success using the tools and opportunities we have graciously been given.  

Taylor Turner

Meet our Small Business Spotlight, April Sanders!

Q: When did you develop a love for painting?
I have vivid memories of my grandma taking me with her to her watercolor classes as a young girl. At her house, she would show me all kinds of little tricks that I still use to this day. She passed her love of painting on to my mom, who has also paved the way for me by teaching me so much.

Q: What materials do you use in your work?
Paints, canvas, paper, etc? I use mostly acrylic paints on canvas, but also watercolors, oil pastels, graphite, linen, cradled wood and handmade paper. Each one has such unique textures and traits, and I love to mix them up.

Q: From where do you draw your inspiration?
I am often inspired by textiles, nature, interior design books, and other creatives. Painting for me is a very instinctual, gestural process so it is sometimes hard to pinpoint exact inspiration, but it is all around me and comes out in various ways. Sometimes I will see a beautiful photo and have fun painting a different version of it- like it's blurred or rotated 180 degrees. I love looking at my friend's, Robin Verrier of Verry Robin, work to draw inspiration for color and composition. She is a wizard!

Q: Playing with colors and textures excites us when designing jewelry. What excites you when painting?
A painting in its awkward, teenage phase can feel so frustrating, but then you add a new layer or mark that just works and it is so exciting because you know things are coming together and the finished piece is fast approaching.

Q: Any business leaders or artists that inspire or influence you and your brand?
So many incredible artists that inspire and encourage me- my mom, Jamie Sawicki, my dear friend, Gina Langford, and so many idols out there like Renee Bouchon, Lulie Wallace, and Caroline Boykin.

Q: What can we look forward to seeing from your brand in the near future?
I will have new work at the fall show at Blue Hills in Round Top and also a new collection releasing in November with Well and Wonder.

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