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Between the Boxwood

Hazen at Home with Anne Wagoner


Hazen at Home with Anne Wagoner

Hazen at Home was dreamt up over lunch with Elizabeth Cook and Sarah Bray while in Nashville at Gen Sohr's Creative Camp in November 2019. As introduce our Fall 2021 capsule of this series, the hope remains the same as when we kicked the series off in the Summer of 2020– to merge Hazen's world of jewelry with the interior design realm we so dearly love. I have always felt as though jewelry design and interior design have a lot in common– both play with color and utilize the impact of texture and proportions. Like all art forms, when done well, there are few things more balanced and beautiful than an exquisite piece of jewelry, a tasteful room OR exquisite jewelry at home in a tasteful room. 

-Taylor Turner


Meet this week's Hazen at Home tastemaker, Anne Wagoner of Anne Wagoner Interiors. We are so excited to feature Anne and see who and what she is loving this season!

Q: Who is inspiring you these days in interior design?

@stephensillsassociates and @veeregrenney

Q: What decor elements get you most excited?
Antique chairs

Q: What are you shopping (online or in person) this fall?
Q: Which Hazen fall collection piece have you been eyeing?
The bracelet stacks


Q: What has drawn you to this piece and how would you style it?
I love the versatility of your bracelet stacks. You can dress them up or down, with jeans or a dress. Coordinate the colors with your outfit or add a fun, unexpected accent

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